Factoring companies + FreightLOGIK

Sunset provides payment status with factoring companies through our proprietary portal FreightLOGIK. For a quick “how-to” get started with the FreightLOGIK registration process, click HERE.

Factoring Companies

Once a factoring company or carrier gains access to FreightLOGIK, we take them further than just checking payment status:  

  • View information load-by-load for received and due payments.
    • For payments received, view check number, check date, the net amount paid and more!
    • For payments due, submit missing paperwork, net amount to be paid, and estimated date of payment. 
  • On top of pre-existing functionality in the carrier section of FreightLOGIK, carriers and factoring companies may now check payment status via the Settlement History tab.

Sunset is working hard to create efficiencies to work smarter, not harder, with carriers and factoring companies regarding payment status.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to [email protected].