Sunset Celebrates 10th Year Helping America’s Largest One-Day Food Drive

This year marks the 10th consecutive year Sunset has been in charge of handling the logistics for the Boy Scouts’ Scouting for Food program in the Greater St. Louis area.

This endeavor has become the largest one day food drive in the country by collecting over 2 million cans of food on over 50 tractor trailer loads. These items serve approximately 500 pantries within the Greater St. Louis Area Council, and meet a four-month demand for food. Within 48 hours of the Scouts’ collection, donations are on pantry shelves ready to feed the hungry!

Sunset became involved when the U.S. Army (who used to handle the logistics) was deployed to Iraq. Since then, Sunset’s entire staff has taken part of this special day every year in November. Sunset’s staff organizes local carriers to donate their time and equipment to transport the donated goods!

Want to help? Here is how:

  • If you are a carrier in the Greater St. Louis area, you can donate your time on November 16th, 2013.
  • If you would like to make a donation to help create gift baskets for each of the drivers that donate their time and equipment, you can donate items to be incorporated into the gift basket or you can provide a monetary donation
  • If you live in the St. Louis area please make sure to put out your canned goods on your front porch on
  • Drive safe and slow! Scouts will be out and about on Saturday, November 16th collecting food. Be cautious when traveling in subdivisions.

Contact Jill Walsh if you are able to help out or provide a donation!

For more information on Scouting for Food visit our website